Take Free College-level Courses In Philosophy, Psychology, Human Nature,
Freedom, Liberty, and Tyranny. Each from under 10 to 17 minutes max...

Runtime: 13:27
Is Government the New God? - The Religion of Totalitarianism

Runtime: 09:58
Fear and Social Control

Runtime: 12:32
Why are People so Obedient? - Compliance and Tyranny

Runtime: 12:06
Why are Most People Cowards?
Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism

Runtime: 12:32
The Psychology of Obedience and The Virtue of Disobedience

Runtime: 10:56
The Psychology of Conformity

Runtime: 07:50
How We Enslave Ourselves

Runtime: 10:30
How to Stop Being a Coward

Runtime: 08:53
Why We Can’t Vote Our Way to Freedom

Runtime: 13:19
Is the Mainstream Media a Threat to Freedom and Sanity?

Runtime: 10:58
Smartphones and Social Media - A Mass Surveillance Dystopia

Runtime: 12:02
The Big Lie - How to Enslave the World

Runtime: 12:36
Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control

Runtime: 10:45
Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down

Runtime: 11:25
Introduction to Propaganda

Runtime: 15:11
How the "Greater Good" is Used as a Tool of Social Control

Runtime: 12:38
Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?

Runtime: 15:40
Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World

Runtime: 16:15
Do We Live in a Brave New World? - Aldous Huxley's Warning to the World

Runtime: 13:00
Freedom vs. Force - The Individual and the State

Runtime: 13:09
How Civil Disobedience Safeguards Freedom and Prevents Tyranny

Runtime: 09:41
The Individual vs. Tyranny

Runtime: 11:00
Machiavelli - The Rulers vs The Ruled and the Struggle for Power

Runtime: 10:51
Democracy and the Road to Tyranny

Runtime: 10:30
Decentralization and Freedom

Runtime: 11:13
The Gulag Archipelago and The Wisdom of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Runtime: 16:31
The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis
Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?

Runtime: 10:20
Do We Live in a Sick Society?

Runtime: 08:36
Why Passivity Breeds Mediocrity and Mental Illness

Runtime: 10:16
Why Caring What Others Think Breeds Mental Illness

Runtime: 09:42
How to Overcome the Downward Pull of Other People

Runtime: 11:11
Why are So Many Men Psychologically Infantile?

Runtime: 10:30
How to Stop Being a Coward

Runtime: 09:34
How to Fortify the Mind in Times of Crisis

Runtime: 11:47
How to Be Free in an Unfree World

Runtime: 07:29
The Psychology of Resilience: Thriving in Adversity

Runtime: 11:47
How to Thrive in the Battle of Life

Runtime: 11:13
The Psychology of Power - How to Dethrone Tyrants

Runtime: 11:09
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty

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It is said that "Music is a Universal Language"

Music is Energy for the Spirit...

(Best listened to 'piped' through a home stereo)

Sacred Spirit - Book Of Secrets - Runtime: 1:29:21

(I think there must be a message in here, somewhere...)
Page with A Mix of 35 Tracks-Total Runtime: 2:55:19

Page with a Selected Mix of 21 Tracks from 3 Albums

Page with a Mix of 66 Tracks from 7 Albums of The Best

Page with a Mix of 89 Tracks from 8 Albums

3 Selected Prophetic Tracks from the first Album

Page with First Album of 6 Tracks-Total Runtime: 41:08

Page with a Mix of 10 Tracks from 2 Albums

Page with a Mix of 43 Tracks from 7 Albums of The Best

Mix of Full Albums with 18 Tracks-Total Runtime: 8:11:45

Page with a Mix of 17 Tracks from Several Albums

Extended Play Mix of 194 Tracks-Total Runtime: 21:57:01
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Extended Play Mix of 8 Tracks, Total Runtime: 22:09:20
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Mix of 14 Tracks-Some Extended-Total Runtime: 7:46:18
Great for Background Prayer and Meditation

Mix of 5 Tracks-Incl. 2 Albums-Total Runtime: 1:47:04

Symphony Orchestra-18 Tracks-Total Runtime: 1:17:44

Symphony No. 9 - 7 Tracks-Total Runtime: 56:26

Page with Mix of 5 Albums - Various World Music Artists

A Mix of 30 Tracks-Total Runtime: 1:54:18

Selected Mix of 16 Tracks from a Live Concert+Bonus 7

Page with Full Album of 8 Tracks-Total Runtime: 49:15

Comprehensive Mix of 115 Tracks-Total Runtime: 13:56:05
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Comprehensive Mix of 115 Tracks-Total Runtime: 14:14:29
Ambient Low-Volume for Deep-Sleep and Dreaming

Beautiful Relaxing Background-Total Runtime: 3:00:12

Mix of 104 Tracks-Incl. 3 Albums-Total Runtime: 9:26:55

Mix of 19 Tracks-Incl. 1 Album-Total Runtime: 2:27:30

Calling All Angels!...

Classic Sci-Fi Entertainment
Mad Scientists,
Crazy Alien Creatures,
Futuristic Technologies,
Cosmic Threats,
what could possibly go wrong?...

It is said that yesterday's 'science fiction'
can often become today's 'science fact'...

Soundtrack to the Movie Dune

Other Truth Project Pages:


Archbishop Issues Warning of 'The Great Reset'

Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD Warns Against The "Vaccines"

Catherine Austin-Fitts Lays Out the Global Beast Slave System

Greg Reese Reports on The Covid Scam and on the "Vaccines"

Biosludge!: They are now turning Human Beings into Fertilizer

EXPLOSIVE! - Interview with Steve Quayle, Gary Heavin, and
Mike Adams + David Icke

The Lost Years of Jesus - Travel to India, Tibet and Persia?

Main-Stream Media Coverage about the UFO Phenomena

Civilizational Change: Hard Times - Strong / Weak Men

SHUT DOWN Bio-Weapons Labs and the Death Shots!!

Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky

The AI Control Grid: Threats to Our Planet & Humanity

The Basics: Truth and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry

The Moody Blues - The Best Selections - Album Mix

What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And Fight The Cabal!

The Nature of the Human Mind and Consciousness

The 'Perfect Storm' of Global Famine on the Horizon

Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Terrifying

Good Times - Hard Times - Strong Men - Weak-Men

Nature of Reality: Of Information, Energy & Matter

David Icke - World Events and Human Psycopathy


Renaissance - Tales of 1001 Nights - Live Concert

Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic Hoax and More

Full Length Sci-Fi Classic Movies 1950's Style

Pink-Floyd - The Best Selections - Album Mix

Dan Fogelberg & Tim Weisberg - Twin Sons

Flock of Seagulls with The Psychedlic Furs

The BoDeans - Home - Outside Looking In

Anthony Phillips - The Geese & the Ghost

Sleepscapes - Ambient Deep Sleep Music

Peter Gabriel - Red Rain Coming Down

Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Lucky Man

Pangea - Deep Forest - World Music

Global War And The Nuclear Threat

The Adventures of Flash Gordon!

The Global Depopulation Agenda

Fake "Vaccine" 'Clot-Kill Shots'

Battlefield America: 2022-2024

The Truth Project Full Concert

A Message to Planet Earth:

The Great Global Collapse

King Crimson - Epitaph

Rise of the Machines

The Oblivion Agenda

The Music of Enigma

The Fall of the Cabal

What is Science?

The Control Grid

The Outer Limits



Secret Societies

What is Truth?

Soylent Green


Ghost World

World Party!


Only You


[Return to Top]

[ Home ] -- [ The Basics: Truth and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry ] -- [ Nature of Reality: Of Information, Energy and Matter ]

[ The Nature of the Human Mind and Consciousness ] -- [ Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky ]

-- [ Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Terrifying ] -- [ The Control Grid: Threats to Our Planet & Humanity ]

[ What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And To Fight The Cabal! ]

Information – Education – Discernment

Truth – Knowledge – Reason – Understanding – Wisdom – Conscience

Intuition – Enlightenment – Faith – Love

A Project of
The Church of Universal Truth



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